Vijf hotspots voor vegetariers

Five hot spots for vegetarians

Are you vegetarian and want to discover the cuisines of Ibiza that reflect this? Below are some very good restaurants that will have you licking your fingers. Aubergine Freshly picked produce from our own garden is lovingly prepared for you at Aubergine. Organic and with many vegetarian options on the menu, this restaurant is also […]

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11 handige inpaktips

11 handy packing tips

Your vacation can begin! The tickets are booked, but now to get your suitcase vacation ready. It is something one can get quite stressed about. We’d like to help you get a relaxed start to the vacations with 11 handy packing tips: 1. Gathering point Leading up to your vacation, set up a crate in

11 handy packing tips Lees Verder »

stand up paddle

For the sporty…

Are you the type who would rather not just lie around sunbathing during your vacation. But do you like sportsmanship? Discover the most beautiful places from the water through the new craze: SUP/Standup Paddle. The craze that blew over from Hawaii can now be done in Ibiza. But what exactly is it? It reminds one

For the sporty… Lees Verder »



Polonaise and sing along to carnival hits at the local regular pub. Carnival, a festive time of year where many people put aside their shame and dare to be the most dressed-up version of themselves. Did you know that this great party is also celebrated in Ibiza? Ibiza is brimming with culture, and Catholic outdoor

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Oud en Nieuw Pacha

New Year’s Eve Pacha

Traditionally, Pacha is the only major club in Ibiza that stays open year-round. And so you can also come here for a New Year’s Eve party. Featuring: Solomun, last season’s success DJ! There are direct flights during the week around O&N from both Eindhoven and Amsterdam. The festivities kick off at 9 a.m. on Dec.

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San Miguel Ibiza